École Bilingue Chardin
Documentation Admissions

The School and you

École Bilingue Chardin Preschool and Elementary School strives to create a close bond with the parents who enroll their child. Your child's development and success is achieved with your help. This is why we provide several ways to communicate with École Bilingue Chardin.


Parents can talk with their child's teachers because they are the ones who welcome the students every morning. Parents can talk freely with the teachers at this time. Parents can mention a particular event that occurred in his or her child's life, or ask any questions they like. Parents can also talk with the teachers at the end of the school day, when they come to pick-up their children.

These conversations are essential so the parents can be kept informed of their children’s self-development during school and therefore trust the teachers.


Parents will receive a newsletter by email with photographs of the children at school and detailed information about classroom events.

Twice a year

Parent-teacher conferences are held to assess the child's well-being, behavior, and learning progress. In addition, Parent Nights are organized at the school so that all parents can meet and talk. It is also an opportunity for our team to talk about its teaching and learning methods.

Throughout the year

The educators and the school directors will make themselves available for meetings whenever parents feel the need.

children eating in cafeteria

The cafeteria

Varied menus prepared with organically farmed products.

Ecole Bilingue Chardin and parent communication

The School and you

We communicate closely with parents so you can follow your children's progress and development.

School hours and schedule in Ecole Bilingue Chardin

School Hours and Schedule

École Bilingue Chardin follows the academic schedule for Zone C of the National Education System.

Workshops and trainings courses in private school paris

Workshops / Training Courses

Workshops on Wednesday afternoons and training courses during the holidays are designed around themes that are important to us.


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École Bilingue Chardin