École Bilingue Chardin
Documentation Admissions

Exp'Art event at École Bilingue Chardin

École Bilingue Chardin team was delighted to open its doors for an event that focused on art as a means of expression and inspiration for children!


École Bilingue Chardin team was delighted to open its doors for an event that focused on art as a means of expression and inspiration for children! Visitors, parents and artists had the opportunity to  exchange thoughts around the importance of Arts for children at École Bilingue Chardin. 

The interview can be found in its entirety by clicking here

- “I really found École Bilingue Chardin truly unbelievable. I found it beautiful”. 

- ”There are many colors, obviously it’s the color that stands out, it is very welcoming. Clearly, I would have loved to go to this kind of school as a child”. 

- “I find that, of course, everything displayed on the walls is beautiful and will nourish the children who will be in this school”. 

- “Not many schools are going to rely on art today to stimulate children. It’s an added value in Paris today”. 

- “Art is a way to express themselves and to express their thinking. I think it is amazing that it brings a creative dimension to the kids, so that they can unleash all they have inside. I think it is amazing. 

- Xare: Contemporain urban artist - Street artist
“It was important for me to participate in the beautification of this school, I am a parent myself and it means a lot to me to be able to introduce children to painting”. 

- Speedy Graphito: Contemporain urban artist - Street artist
“I see art as a living art, so to be alive, it must be in people’s lives, and therefore, the fact of placing it in school, I find that really great”.

- Lady M: Contemporain urban artist - Street artist
“Unconsciously, it makes them evolve. They see art, they see paint, so inevitably, they are in a positive energy and unconsciously they want to discover things little by little. Art is at the heart of evolution, is at the heart of culture and Art allows for human exchange, so I think it is an extraordinary concept. It has to be developed more and more”.

- École Bilingue Chardin -


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