École Bilingue Chardin
Documentation Admissions

The common core of knowledge established by the French Ministry of National Education constitutes an educational base, but the teaching at École Bilingue Chardin Preschool and Elementary School goes far beyond these fundamentals.

Mathematics Chardin bilingual preschool and elementary school paris


Not just math formulas, but a culture, a boundless education.

Language arts in bilingual school paris 16

Language Arts

An early mastery of languages, whether French or English.

Children writing in Chardin private school


Learning based on artistic practice in particular.

Child reading in bilingual preschool and elementary school paris


A prominent role is given to reading and books.

History and geography class in bilingual school paris

The Humanities

For an open doorway to the world and a good understanding of the environment

Sciences lesson in bilingual private school


Several ways of approaching science.

Computer studies a Ecole Bilingue Chardin

Computer Studies

For the controlled and measured use of computers

Learning all subjects is encouraged
but particular emphasis is placed on 4 areas:


we know that the quality of the knowledge acquired during preschool and elementary school will determine the students’ ability to calmly comprehend that learned in secondary school.

Language Arts

early bilingual learning emphasizes not only the acquisition of two languages, but also the quality of vocabulary and verbal fluency.


through play, it not only promotes the physical development of the child, but also his or her socialization, understanding of rules, and creativity.


a powerful force for personal development from the earliest school years, and as a facilitator of greater academic and social success.

École Bilingue Chardin Preschool and Elementary School borrows its teaching methods from the world of classical and innovative pedagogies. Far from the quarrels of the Ancient and the Modern schools of thought, École Bilingue Chardin looks at cutting-edge research from around the world regarding didactic methods for the school subjects it teaches, the educational sciences, and neuroeducation, and compares their effectiveness in order to extract what is best for the children.

École Bilingue Chardin Preschool and Elementary School has adopted methods that will best prepare your children for success in their secondary and higher educations by developing their autonomy, ability to concentrate and pay attention, perseverance, creativity, and self-confidence. These are all foundations that must be laid out at a very early age in children. Our teachers are trained in these learning methods, and can apply them thanks to our small class sizes.

The spirit of the education provided at École Bilingue Chardin is based on a pragmatic and strong pedagogical approach: without being experimental, a school must be innovative and without being completely classical, it must seek the academic success of children. Thus, beyond the traditional fundamental pillars, École Bilingue Chardin offers children an innovative pedagogical framework, in a naturally bilingual and international environment.


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École Bilingue Chardin