École Bilingue Chardin
Documentation Admissions

Elementary School

Each of our bilingual elementary school classes welcomes a maximum of 20 children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old, from first grade to fifth grade.

Our educators are experienced teachers who have been trained beforehand at École Bilingue Chardin in innovative methods (especially in mathematics), and who will continue to benefit from ongoing training. The French and English teachers work together as a completely coordinated team.

Academic learning takes place in the morning.

Afternoons are devoted to Arts, Sports and certain small group activities dedicated to research and reflection (in-depth studies of historical topics, writing for the school newspaper, acting in the theater, etc.).
At École Bilingue Chardin Elementary School, art and sports activities complement our teaching curriculum and represent an integral part of the learning process.

There are no uniforms at École Bilingue Chardin Elementary School. However, École Bilingue Chardin provides each child at the beginning of the school year with:

  • Clothing for sports activities
  • Drawing materials for artistic activities

In our bilingual elementary school classes, we lay the foundation that prepares your children for a successful secondary school education. The spirit of the teaching provided at École Bilingue Chardin Elementary School could be summarized as innovative without being experimental or strictly classic, all while seeking success for your children. We believe that the fundamental challenge of education is to build well-rounded individuals with fully achieved potential, and this will guide us like a compass during all the moments your children will share with us at the EBC. The trust you place in us binds us to this commitment.

Teaching method

École Bilingue Chardin endeavors to adhere to the common core requirements of the French National Education system, but it also surpasses this level of learning in major areas:

  • Quality learning in mathematics, because we know that all children can master this discipline, and that quality learning in elementary school is a prerequisite for success in secondary school.
  • Bilingual teaching initiated in bilingual preschool classes along with the presence of two teachers makes it possible to teach a certain number of subjects in English. In particular, reading in English (of original English-language works) makes it possible to introduce historical and cultural themes from the many English-speaking regions of the world.
  • Art and Sports as teaching tools in their own right further encourage openness to the world, respect for others, self-confidence, and recognition of effort.

You will find a detailed view of our pedagogical work by clicking on the "teaching" pages.

The work initiated in the Bilingual Preschool is continued in the elementary school cycle, where new activities will appear, particularly with regard to reading and writing (as tools for creativity and encouragement in spelling). Some subjects are emphasized, such as the Humanities.
The children are encouraged to express themselves, whether in writing through much collaborative work (school newspaper, Book of the Centuries), or individual work (short stories, essays), or orally through the many presentations made in small groups.

At École Bilingue Chardin Elementary School, we encourage children to always reach higher. After each class learning exercise, a quick self-evaluation is performed which allows the teacher to confirm that everything has been understood. With the teachers’ support, these evaluations are performed to understand mistakes and improve. Achieving a good grade is not an end in itself; what is important is that the concepts are acquired and understood in order to create a solid foundation for entering the secondary school years. The teaching team helps children understand that making mistakes is a necessary step in learning, that it is a necessary path. This way of seeing things makes children more relaxed with their learning, more confident, and also helps them to take more risks, not limit themselves, and to persevere. Our educational credo regarding errors could be summed up by this wonderful quote from Samuel Beckett: Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Children having problems with a lesson or subject are helped to overcome these difficulties. Children who find certain disciplines easy are encouraged to advance further through exercises adapted to their higher level.


Lunchtime is a moment of sharing and dialogue with the teachers (who eat the same meal as the children and sit with them at their table). Varied menus, mainly prepared with products coming from short supply chains and organic farming, are delivered and prepared at the school.

The School Day

  • École Bilingue Chardin opens its doors to start the day at 8:30 am. We encourage the children to respect the schedule.
  • In the morning: the children work with academic subjects in 45-minute learning sessions followed by breaks and relaxation time.
  • Recess: every morning, the children can take advantage of our playground to enjoy a breath of fresh air and play with their friends.
  • Lunchtime: at 12:30 pm, it's time to share lunch together.
  • In the afternoon: this is the time for art and sports activities in our rooms dedicated to Art and Sports, or for group activities.
  • End of the day for everyone: at 4:30 pm, the school day ends.
Bilingual Montessori nursery

2-year-old Section

Bilingual learning from 2 years old with the Montessori pedagogy (only for the little section).

Children in bilingual kindergarten


A blend of classical and innovative teaching methods for a bilingual education with an emphasis on mathematics, language, art, and sports.

Bilingual primary school class

Elementary School

Bilingual learning with a strong emphasis on mathematics, and practicing art and sports on a daily basis.


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École Bilingue Chardin